Leveraging Time and Relationships: Keys to Redefining Your Destiny

Make the choice to use what you already have, and you will redefine your life

Mike Goldberg
3 min readFeb 9, 2024
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

In life, we often encounter crossroads where the choices we make can shape our destiny. These pivotal moments may seem daunting, filled with uncertainty and self-doubt. But what if I told you that within your grasp lie two invaluable resources capable of transforming your life? It’s time to unlock the power of TIME and RELATIONSHIPS to redefine your path and seize control of your future.

Let me take you on a journey through my own experience, where I’ve learned firsthand the transformative potential of these two resources. It all began with my father, a machinist by trade, who thrived in the booming industrial landscape of the 1960s and 70s. Despite lacking a college degree, he carved out a comfortable life for our family.

But as the winds of change swept through the 1980s, my father’s world began to crumble. The rise of computerization rendered his skills obsolete, leaving him clinging to a fading industry and dwindling prospects. Instead of adapting to modern times, he resigned himself to a life of stagnation, content in his kingdom of decrepitude.

I watched in frustration as he squandered his potential, his excuses masking a…



Mike Goldberg

3x Top Writer | Traveler | Real estate investor | Storyteller | Occasional columnist | I talk about personal growth and seizing opportunities.