Train Wrecks Messing Up Your Life? Here’s What To Do

Establish boundaries to protect you from people who would damage your life

Mike Goldberg
4 min readJan 6, 2020
Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

If you are a person with a huge heart who instantly welcomes every person you meet into your life with open arms, you might come to the realization one day that you may have let in a few train wrecks who are tearing up your happy place.

I know. I’ve been there. Believe me. You might have thought you were being “nice”, but you inadvertently made yourself an easy target. Self-destructive people will come into your life if you don’t stop them and will destroy everything you hold sacred.

Establish your space, and keep out those who would threaten the sanctity of that space.

And you might not even realize it at first. It’s easy to rationalize someone’s behavior, especially if they’re already embedded in our social circle. But if you accept a person’s bad behavior and allow it to impact you — because you don’t want to be rude, that just causes it to fester.

I’ve known people for nearly 30 years now that are STILL stuck in the same patterns. Not only have they not fixed the problems they had back then, but they’ve actually gotten far worse!



Mike Goldberg

3x Top Writer | Traveler | Real estate investor | Storyteller | Occasional columnist | I talk about personal growth and seizing opportunities.