With all due respect, coming at it from ad-hominem attacks probably isn’t going to help people see it from your point of view. Especially with such strong arguments elsewhere.
Not to say I disagree with your assessment of PUAs. They demonstrate that they not only don’t get it, they don’t care.
But let’s start at the end. I shared a stage with Neil the other day. He’s doing really well. Having found durable fulfillment in a healthy marriage, he’s happy. Very visibly happy.
It might seem he succeeded despite his best efforts, but there’s a lot more to him. The other thing that is apparent about Neil, in addition to being extremely intelligent, is that he is very curious. In my view, that’s what makes him such a great interviewer. That part comes very naturally to him. The first time I met him was before he blew up with The Game, and he sat and talked to me for a good hour. He wanted to know everything! It was a genuine curiosity.
So I think it’s safe to say that he has always practiced in public — evolving in real time. Some of the things I’ve seen him do were cringeworthy (holding a funeral for his PUA persona — complete with casket???), but I’m really pleased to see where he is now. To write him off would be short sighted, as he remains a powerful voice. Spend any time in one of his rooms on Clubhouse, and you’ll see what I mean.
As for the rest of it, yes, PUAs are absolute insecure children who don’t understand attraction and only want a magic bullet to solve everything. They learn how to prey on insecure women who feed into their bullshit that the rest of us cringe over.
I have no doubt that their shit will eventually work on someone, but that’s probably not the kind of girl you’d really want to have anything to do with (as you pointed out).
If only they learned what it meant to be a cool person. And lived it.